When you have an organization like ours, it’s not often that people realize the huge amount of work that goes into it. Take test tiles, for example. We offer classes which includes clay, glazes and two firings. But the work must be loaded into a kiln twice by someone, unloaded again by others. Glazes must be mixed so there are lots of colours for our students and studio members to use.
We recently mixed a few new batches of glazes and they all had to be tested. Not only are they tested on the two types of clay bodies that we offer, but it is fun to test them in combination with each other. The images show the tiles that we use and then all of them fresh out of the kiln. It’s a lot of work, but how rewarding!
It will now allow our students to look at the tiles and decide what colour or combination of colours they want their masterpieces to be glazed in. And glazes can make a pot or piece of sculpture.