Our first Family Clay Time took place today and what a crowd of talented artists we had! They had two hours to take a lump of clay and turn it into a work of art, and if the photos are any indication, they certainly succeeded!
The pumpkin tea lights are due to be picked up next Saturday, October 27th, just in time for Halloween. We’ll post a photo of the fired and glazed results when they are done.
And if you think these are impressive, wait to see what you can make for your Christmas Tree when we hold our next Family Clay Time on December 8th. This one is a two-part event. The first Saturday to make your decorations, and the second one to decorate with paint and acrylics. Again, just in time for Christmas. They can be for your own tree, or gifts for your favourite friend or relative. Because this class is over two Saturdays, it is for the slightly more expensive price of $20 for one participant or $60 for four. So get your friends together (of all ages) and join us. Fore more details, visit our Classes page.