On October 21st, our speaker for the evening was Ron Roy, the guru of cone 6 glazes. The talk was very interesting and we had been asked to send him any glazes that we were having issues with. So a few guild members did this and he first went through the components of glazes and how reducing the amount of one element will affect the glaze in a certain way. For example, one of the issues a potter had, was that her glaze should be shinier, so he did an analysis of the glaze and came up with a new configuration. Another said that their glaze wouldn’t stay “stirred” long enough to dip her pots, and he recommended mixing a solution 2 tbsp of Epsom Salts in a cup of water and adding 3 drops to the glaze. Mix it up and leave it half an hour to see how it mixed. If it was still too dense, try again and leave it. Continue until the glaze kept it’s mix better.
Ron has a new edition of his book available at his website: ronroy.net
All in all a wonderful meeting and very informative. Below are some images from the meeting.