To Teach, To Learn, To Share

Classes, Workshops & Covid

Wayne Cardinalli discussing calipers

The January lockdown has pushed our class starting dates back yet again and further post-poned any in house workshops.  If there is a workshop that interests you, please contact our Administrator, Donna with any suggestions you may have and we will work on bringing these to you as soon as we are able.  With regards to our classes, please keep our main or classes page bookmarked.  We will update with further details as soon as we know more.  

Covid Update – December 23, 2020

To All Guild Members, Studio Members, Teachers, Students & Customers:

We are again in the unfortunate position of having to close our Guild and Pottery Shop and postpone all classes (including private) until after January 23rd at the earliest.  We are following our Public Health and Provincial Government recommendations and requirements, for a Provincial lock down to be in effect from Dec 26th to January 23 (for Southern Ontario).  We will update our website as new information / dates are made available and ask you to keep checking in on the website. 

Please refrain from coming into the Guild for any reason during this time – it is not open for drop off / pick up / studio use etc.

On the bright side, we can offer curbside pick up for Pottery Shop items, clay, online store, etc..  Simply send me an email outlining what you want and I’ll reply with cost (e-transfers will be all methods of payment) and times available for parking lot pick up.   This email address will continue to be checked by me, so don’t hesitate to email any questions, concerns, etc..

I would like to extend my wishes to you and your Family for a safe and happy Christmas, whatever it is going to look like this year.
Please stay safe and well.

Donna O’Brien

2020 Holiday Sale Profile – Maureen Reed

a variety of mugs in blue, yellow and grey - Maureen Reed

red and black casserole with lid - Maureen ReedMaureen began working in pottery for about fifteen years after taking some courses offered at her local visual arts center. She enjoyed both the medium and the company of other potters. Over time, she realized that pottery was stress reducing and offered opportunities for creativity. Maureen now has her own small home-based studio.  She prefers wheel work to create functional pots (bowls, plates and mugs). Maureen has taken courses in pottery at the Haliburton School of the Arts and has taken advantage of the great workshops and courses offered by the Kawartha Potters’ Guild.

Our sale continues through Wednesday, December 23rd.  Feel free to drop-in or make an appointment using this convenient form.  Our hours are Sunday – Wednesday 11 – 5 p.m.

blue Fruit bowl with large decorative holes in varying sizes cut through - Maureen Reed

2020 Holiday Sale Profile – Heather Brooks

Two stemless green goblets and a matching leaf stamped rectangular hand built tray - Heather Brooks

Heather has been working in clay for over 15 years. She loves to create functional pieces that can be enjoyed every day. Shifting between the wheel and hand building, it allows Heather to keep in tune with the clay while creating a diverse collection of plates, bowls, mugs, casserole dishes and trays. She is so very flattered when someone wants to add her pottery to their home. In her opinion, this is the highest honour a potter can achieve.

Our sale continues through until 5pm on December 23rd.  You can still book a half hour appointment here, or drop-in during sale hours.  Our space is restricted to six visitors at a time.  We are open Saturday 10 -5, Sunday – Wednesday 11-5p.m.

Green and white glazed plate - Heather Brooksgreen handled casserole with wooden spoon - Heather Brooks









Blue and white berry bowl - Heather Brooks


2020 Holiday Sale Profile – Ann Hobday

rectangular tray with carved and painted bicycle - Ann Hobday

Ann has been experimenting in clay and taught ceramics as part of Visual Arts in secondary school for two decades. Since retirement she switched to hand-building in stoneware. Being outdoors keeps her grounded and in tune with earth’s rhythms. Ann looks for ways to incorporate nature themes and cycling motifs in functional slab plates, mugs, bowls, seasonal ornaments and jewellery. Recently, she has begun teaching hand-building techniques to adults and children at the Kawartha Potters Guild. Great fun! “Ceramics and teaching is keeping me excited about life”.

Our sale continues through until the close of day December 23rd.  You can book an appointment using this form for your convenience, or take a chance and drop by.  We are open Friday 11 – 8, Saturday 10 – 5, Sunday – Wednesday 11-5.

hand built turtle shaped and stamped dishes - Ann HobdayHemp painted rectangular tray - Ann Hobday

2020 Holiday Sale Profile – Darlene Malcolm-Moran

Agateware jar in red, white and black clays - Darlene Malcolm-Moran
Since graduating from Sheridan College School of Design in 1976, Darlene has pursued many aspects of Ceramics and enjoys sharing this knowledge instructing the Intermediate/ Advanced classes at the Kawartha Potters Guild.
She creates beautiful, finely crafted, functional pottery with textured and marbled surfaces. Darlene likes to use many colours of stoneware, combining them with her bright clay slips and food safe glazes.
Our sale runs until December 23, 2020.  Drop-ins are welcome, however attendance in any one time slot is limited to six visitors.  You can book a half hour appointment for your convenience by using this form.  We are open Friday 11-8,  Saturday 10-5, and Sunday – Wednesday 11-5.  
Lidded jar with exterior decorative cracking glazed in a pearlescent red - Darlene Malcolm-MoranLarge jar with unusual shape and lid, decorative exterior cracking of the clay and a translucent grey glaze - Darlene Malcolm-Moran
Darlene Malcolm-Moran at work in her studio

2020 Holiday Sale Profile – Priya Harding

porcelain mugs hand painted with white pine trees in cobalt blue - Priya Harding

Priya first met clay in the late 1970s, and has loved it ever since. Many years and workshops later, she still practices, failes, experiments, and explores. The flow of throwing, and then the creative work of painting and incising designs remain her passions. The designs of bright poppies, sunny lemons, and fish among water weeds that Priya is playing with now originated in efforts to bring more colour to her pieces during FUSION’s 2016-17 Creative Directions programme. Since then a KPG group trip to Korea in 2018 and memories of places like Portugal, southern France, and the northern shores of Lake Superior have all influenced her work. Priya’s  love for clay continues, as does her intent to create pottery that is both functional and a pleasure for the senses.

Come see Priya’s and other members’ work during our sale, on now every day until December 23rd.  Please book an appointment here.  Drop-ins are welcome but our space is limited and we may ask that you wait or reschedule.  

porcelain mug painted and carved with blue feathers - Priya Hardingporcelain bowls with painted and carved lemons - Priya Harding









Latte style mug in blue with white lines reminiscent of surf - Priya HardingPriya working in her studio

2020 Holiday Sale Profile – Liz Sine

Since early childhood, creating with her hands has been a basic need for Liz. When she first began to muck about with clay in the 1990’s she knew she had found her niche. By participating in pottery courses at Cedar Ridge Creative Centre, Haliburton School of the Arts, Sheridan College, and Kawartha Potters Guild sponsored workshops Liz has continually developed her skill as a potter. Learning and growing is a never ending path.
Love of the outdoors is expressed in much of her work. Being able to incorporate feelings and impressions of the natural world into pots feeds her inspirations.
Come view Liz’ and other members’ work during our sale which runs every day until December 23rd.  Book an appointment here to ensure your space.  Drop-ins are welcome if space is available.  
berry bowl with tray and handles in mid blue green - Liz Sinegreen plate with carved circles and bullrushes - Liz Sine
hand built square plate with impressed and painted cedar leaves - Liz Sine

2020 Holiday Sale Profile – Lillian Forester

Joining a neighbour at a pottery class has led Lillian to a lifetime love of clay.  She works only with porcelain clay after taking a week-long workshop with renown ceramic artist Harlan House.  Lillian enjoys the colours achieved by using a white clay.  Adding a little texture or some carving picks up surface details when her work is glazed.  It is always fun opening up the kiln.  Enjoy. 
Lillian also plays a vital role, as a volunteer and key founder of the guild. In 2018 she was recognized with a Lifetime Honorary Membership award.
Our sale runs every day until December 23rd.  Book a time to visit us here, or take your chances at the door (space is limited so we reserve the right to refuse entry until space is available).
plate and bowls in black and blue glaze - Lillian Forester
studio work in progress - Lillian Forester
bowl, butter dish and soap dispenser in pearlescent blue and yellow glaze - Lillian Foresterhand built tray, gravy boat and tumbler in pink and white glazes - Lillian Forester
Kawartha Potters' Guild